the aim for twentytwentyfive
Hello, dear neglacted blog, it has been a while. Glad that you still around. I have woken up from my (mental) winter hybernation and looking forward to a hopefully beautiful spring. Therefore I start up with what I want to do during this year.
- Do more C programming. It is fun and gives me that "old school"-feeling.
- Learn the ncat command. Read "My Minimal Gemini Client" recently on Rob's Gemini Capsule and was inspired.
Link: gemini:// - Continue developing my blogging tool Blaker. I have some ideas of what to do and future will tell if it turn out any good.
- Get an SBC. I have not decided yet what to get but I hope that we will see some RISC-V single boards this year that will suit an amateur like me.
- Not to fall into despaire due to the world political turmoil and global warming. I have had enough anxiety and depression for a while now.
- Exercise. Long walks and bike rides. Lose some weight.
- Absolutely spend more time in the garden. Grow things. Enjoy the beuty of the things. Eat the things.
- Read at least five books. Feed the mind.
It will be interesting (for me at least) to return to this text at the end of the year and see what I have and not have done.
Take care!