# _ _ # ___ __ __ __ _ | |_ __ _ _ __ | |_ _ __ __ _ # / __|\ \ /\ / // _` || __|/ _` || '_ \ | __|| '__|/ _` | # \__ \ \ V V /| (_| || |_| (_| || | | || |_ | | | (_| | # |___/ \_/\_/ \__,_| \__|\__,_||_| |_| \__||_| \__,_| # # Name: Rohit Farmer, Ph.D. # About: I am a #ComputationalBiologist. I build tools to analyze data from #CyTOF, high-parameter #FlowCytometry, and #SomaLogic. I perform analyses ranging from classical #statistics to #machine/#deeplearning. # Twtxt nick: swatantra # Twtxt URL: https://ctrl-c.club/~swatantra/tw.txt # Website: https://rohitfarmer.com # Email & XMPP: swatantra@disroot.org # Gemini capsule: gemini://rohit.pollux.casa # Data science blog: https://dataalltheway.com # Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@swatantra # Twitter: https://twitter.com/rohitfarmer # Note: if you follow me then please let me know by email so that I can also follow you. Thanks! 2023-01-16T08:20:28-06:00 First tweet from ctrl-c.club account using termius ssh client on Windows 10. 2023-01-16T09:18:08-06:00 Termius I like you 2023-01-16T11:14:40-06:00 Hi all, I am a #ComputationalBiologist #DataScientist. I am building tools to analyze data on multiple platforms, such as #CyTOF, high-parameter #FlowCytometry, and #SomaLogic. I perform analyses ranging from classical #statistics to #machine #deeplearning. 2023-01-16T11:59:26-06:00 Let me see if I can tweet from terminus on my phone. It may act like a mobile client 2023-01-16T21:01:17-06:00 I have been lately thinking about capitalism vs. commerce. Which is beneficial and which might not be. 2023-01-17T14:42:26-06:00 WhatsApp and the domestication of users gemini://seirdy.one/posts/2021/01/27/whatsapp-and-the-domestication-of-users/ 2023-06-22T10:53:39-05:00 Trying to get back to Twtxt after a few months break. 2023-06-22T21:09:20-05:00 If you follow me on twtxt, send me an email and let me know at swatantra@disroot.org. I want to know if I want to continue using twtxt. 2023-06-30T15:21:25-05:00 Trying to decide if I should move my twtxt account from ctrl-c to my own server. I want to be a part of pubnix, but I also want to host as many services as I can on my server. 2023-07-01T22:16:54-05:00 So I decided to keep using twtxt from the ctrl-c.club pubnix server. I have also implemented a feature on my website to display my latest post from twtxt on my Let's Connect page. I might use this space to post things that are longer than a tweet but smaller than a blog post. But I will see how it goes. Let me know what you think about this approach. 2023-07-02T16:39:47-05:00 People are mad about SCOTUS's decision to side with the web designer who refused to design a website for a gay couple. However, they don't realize that SCOTUS stood for individual rights and liberty against societal pressure which is important in the long run for everybody including people objecting to the decision. 2023-07-05T14:33:22-05:00 I created a page on my website that executes finger command on my server and displays the output in HTML. It's an alternate way to finger me. https://rohitfarmer.com/finger/ 2023-07-06T19:25:44-05:00 Life gives us time and space and all we do is waste time on non-fulfilling activities and fill the space with lifeless junk. 2023-07-07T19:12:02-05:00 It's no more about the money, it's about the stuff. I just don't want stuff anymore.