§ Welcome!

$>ls -al ../.plan ../.project
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jlj family 1330 Dec 22 15:17 ../.plan
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jlj family 1355 Dec 22 15:17 ../.project
$>cat ../.project
Done my first Splunk PS now; I'm officially a consultant!
I'm also certified as Professional (above Associate) with both
Terraform and Vault now!
I finished the Linux Upskill Challenge! An excellent course. I
highly recommend it. As I write this, it's being offered each
month, for free, beginning on the first Monday of the month, IIRC.
Check out reddit for details.
My Vault HA cluster is up and running:
- I'm running two Vault nodes, one in an LXD container, and the
other on one of my old laptops.
- It's backed by Consul, running on three nodes, each in another
LXD container.
- The gossip key is now stored in Vault, and can be automatically
- All cluster traffic is encrypted over SSL, using certificates
generated by my intermediate CA (in Vault).
- I'm also using the Transit Secrets Engine to auto-unseal
another Vault I have running as two nodes, each on other old
laptops. (One of those just failed yesterday, however. Gonna see
whether a hoover can revive it.)
- All four containers are bridged on the LAN.
- I'm running Telegraf on each of these nodes, sending metrics to
InfluxDB, running on my Xubuntu server.
I've then got Grafana running on my main workstation, with a few
different dashboards, monitoring Consul, Vault, telemetry from my
old laptops themselves, Jitsi, my broadband, etc.
I'm running Jitsi Meet on my Xubuntu server as well. Let me know if
you'd like to use it for video conferencing!
- I'm still using LXC, because Jitsi's videobridge service uses
9090/tcp by default, meaning that Cockpit, in default
configuration, had to go.
$>cat ../.plan
I might revive Cockpit. But I'll probably try to get Splunk to
serve my monitoring needs, along with Grafana: then it's CPD
Multipass is still in the mix, but falling by the wayside. I've
picked up Docker now, because docker-splunk is just so simple and
powerful. It's jumped my troubleshooting game an order of
I'm looking at docker-vault now too, for an upcoming demo.
Oh, and docker-splunk has killed my desire to run any sort of
Splunk cluster natively; I've got an All-In-One instance on the
LAN, and that's enough, for playing.
- I'm looking to replicate my Jitsi Meet dashboard, currently in
Grafana, in Splunk, for CPD.
The Consul Engineering Team have released an official Grafana
dashboard, backed by Prometheus. I want to translate this to one
backed by InfluxDB; an engineer suggested that translating PromQL
to IFQL is fairly straightforward.
I want to start monitoring the expiry dates of all the certificates
I'm using in my environment.
Also re Consul, I want to get ACLs working in a professional
- So, more locked down than in my current runbook; and
- In such a way that the associated tokens are automatically
Also re CPD, I'm considering going for Consul Associate. I'll hold
off for a bit, though, as HashiCorp is in the middle of switching
exam proctors, as I understand it.
§ Further info:
- 0xE94407F8 (or on Keybase)
- $>^C notes
- I'm usually on IRC these days, in:
- #ctrl-c, on our club's
- #splunk, on EFNet; and
- #ubuntu-uk, #terraform and #vault-tool, on freenode
- Or random rooms on matrix.org
- My blog: stale, at the mo,
but I'm hoping to get back to it
- Old blog:
17-year archive
- Let's play chess
Don't forget to check out our
Aaron dead.
World wanderers, we have lost a wise elder.
Hackers for right, we are one down.
Parents all, we have lost a child.
Let us weep.
--Sir Tim Berners-Lee
RIP Aaron Swartz
1986 - 2013
Last modified: Tue Dec 22 15:50:13 BST 2020 — jlj@ctrl-c.club