My try at this. It's always interesting to learn what kind of people make these smolwab places, so I thought I might contribute a bit as well.
Soooo... I'm a student of computer sciences in Europe. I use *nix. I like minimalism. I like my terminal and get scared of complex graphical UI.
Yea, very unexpected, I know. I didn't say that my contribution will be any great.
I came here on ^C to socialize a bit and I am failing at it miserably. You can catch me on IRC from time to time, so feel free to reach out if you feel like it.
I have some very specific and sometimes unusual opinions on mostly technical things that I might write about here sometimes once I feel about it.
OS : Fedora
Not rolling. Not super stable. Not Ubuntu.
terminal : kitty
It has it's own image protocol and supports ligatures.
terminal font : FiraCode Nerd Font
terminal multiplexer : tmux
shell : fish
editor : neovim
With some plugins of course. Lspconfig for LSP (I actually don't use LSPs right now). Treesitter for extra highlight (I like colors in my terminal). Rainbow-delimiters for even more colors. Telescope for file management. Auto-pairs and commentary for convenience. Cmp for compleations. Lualine for looks. Parinfer and vlime for lisp.
Here on ^C I have a more minimal version of this config without plugins that can be found here.
window manager : cwm
very minimal. It's actually developed for OpenBSD, but can be obtained elswhere just fine. I don't really want much features from a WM. Groupes instead of desktops are nice, but I rarely open that much windows, let alone non-maximised. I use xbindkeys for key bindings and feh to set wallpaper. I don't like docks, but I do have some info in tmux bar.
I don't to tiling, since the only application which would make sense to tile with my screen resolution is the terminal, and I have tmux for that. I like how you don't get distracted by theming, since there is nothing to theme.
Highly recommend if you know at least some *nix and like minimalism, highly discourage if you don't.
web browser : firefox
gemini browser : amfora
IRC client : hexchat? (weechat is broken for some reason...)
I don't really use that much software to be honest.
Very nice low-level language. I still don't know all the secrets, but I'm getting the hang of it. If you are looking for a FORTH implementation with C bindings that actually works (unlike Gforth), I have made ex:forth
Minimal. Pretty syntax. Nice namespaced imports. Perfect C compatibility. Very nice exception handeling. Highly recommend.
Great for string/array manipulations. Does not force OOP. Nice alternative method-like function syntax.
Great for scripting. Love the builtin regex. Love .each syntax. Love chaining methods.
I take Zig over C every day, but hey, how can you not like C?