you can start simple web server with "python3 -m http.server", great when making static websites
use "z=" in vim to spell check one word. To enable full spell checker, use ':set spell'. To set languages, use ':set spelllang=...'
run "setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps" to replace capslock with additional ctrl key. you can find (way) more options in "/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst"
the "interrobang" character (‽) exists
You can make nvim nvim your manpager with: export MANPAGER='nvim +Man!'
The annoyng buffer you open in vim all the time is invoked via 'q:'
If your fonts look all funny and inconsistent in size, try 'xrandr --dpi 96'
The C preprocessor can be used separetly via the 'cpp' command.
You can configure context menus in tmux via 'display-menu', both for mouse, and for keybindings.