
What is GTD

Getting Things Done (GTD) is actually two things: A productivity method, and a best-selling book by author and productivity consultant David Allen.

It is a framework for organizing and tracking tasks, such that you can 100% trust that the things on your to do list truly are the things you need to do.

The built-in Calendar

WyPyPlus comes with a built-in calendar: Calendar2021. You can create pages for important dates or put date or month in other documents as tags.

Create Pages and Tags

Click the ? marks at the end of each word to create them.








You can create tag pages and add them anywhere in other wiki pages. Later, you can find all the references by using the reverse index.

Here are a few example tags: AtHome, AtOffice, HaveDone, ToDay, ThisWeek, ThisMonth, May04

Add a Shortcut Menu.

Jumping between pages could be a hassle. For easy access, you can put a group of links in a file and include it in other files.

Create a GtdMenu page and copy the following links:

InBox | NextAction | MyProject | WaitingFor | [Today]{wypyplus.py?p=Today} 
Now you can put INCLUDE(GtdMenu) on other pages. Note that Today is special page name maps to the wiki page of the day.

Add a Template Page

You can use template to put pre-defined text to new wiki pages. A template starts with "Tpl" and follows by three characters. It will match a page if the page starts with the same three characters. For example, if you create a page called TplJul with the following content:

  • My Priority
  • My Accomplishments
  • When you create a new page Jul04, WyPyPlus will use the template.


    The GTD workflow consists of five stages: capture, clarify, organize, reflect, and engage.

  • Capture: Collect what has your attention. ...
  • Clarify: Process what it means. ...
  • Organize: Put it where it belongs. ...
  • Reflect: Review frequently. ...
  • Engage: Simply do.
  • WikiFlow

    Happy GTD.