The Wedding Certificate

This is a hand calligraphed WP: Quaker wedding certificate. You can see it from the couch. It hangs directly opposite the dragon. There were 120 spots for signatures, and 119 people signed. There is one blank spot on it. One witty Friend joked that that spot is reserved for the Spirit.

"What does it say?"

Whereas Megan Wellershausen Shaw of Peterborough, Ontario, daughter of Delton Shaw and Brigitte Wellershausen, and Parker James Glynn-Adey of London, Ontario, son of Lesley Adey and Christopher Glynn, having declared their intentions of marriage with each other to the Toronto Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, and having complied with the marriage procedure of Canadian Yearly Meeting, had their proposed marriage allowed by that Monthly Meeting.

This is to certify that, for the accomplishment of their intention, on this twelfth day of the eighth month, in the year of our Lord two thousand and seventeen, Parker and Megan appeared in a Meeting for Worship of the Toronto Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, and Parker, taking Megan by the hand, did, on this solemn occasion, declare that he took Megan to be his wife, promising with Divine Aid and the support of their Community, to be unto her a loving and faithful husband, and to hold her in the Light of Love until it please the Lord to part them; and then, in the same assembly, Megan did in like manner declare that she took Parker to be her husband, promising with Divine Aid and the support of their Community, to be unto him a loving and faithful wife, and to hold him in the Light of Love until it please the Lord to part them. And moreover, they did, as further confirmation thereof, then and there, to this certificate set their hands.


And we having been present at the marriage have as witnesses hereunto set our hands.


"Who made it?" Sharon Schwartz of Calligraphica. She was lovely to work with, once I got used to things. Very early on in the weddding planning process, I sent Sharon a bunch of ideas and copy for the text. She said that it was great and that she'd be happy to do it. Months went by. I sent a couple e-mails to follow up. No response. We were very worried that the certificate would never appear. So, one day I called her. We chatted casually for a couple minutes about the weather and such things. When I broached the subject of the approaching wedding she said: "Honey, don't worry, we've got GOBS of time." And, of course, she knew best. The certificate arrived perfectly on time.