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re: it is okay to not grok vim

a reply/comment to pgadey's text 'it is okay to not grok vim' (2024-07-04).

pgadey, you are absolutely right, learning the grounds is sufficient in most cases. But I'm glad that I once did a deep dive into Vim and learnt a lot of clever things that I then had forgotten within a couple of weeks. I will never be a 'power user' nor do I aim to be one. The thing I really learnt was that Vim has got really nice features and when I need one of them I just use the help function in the editor or do a quick search via duckduckgo (which I did to find out what grok meant).

plugins, you don't need them

I installed a lot of plugins into vim and then removed them after a while because I didn't needed them. Now I have two plugins: NERDTree (move around in the filesystem and open files within Vim) and lightline (a nice statusline plugin). I use pathogen as my plugin manager. But, really, there is no need for plugins.

the configuration file .vimrc

The same goes for the .vimrc file, do not overdo your configuration. I filled it up with abbreviations and other stuff which I never used so nowadays I have downsized the file for a nice and small configuration.

found in my own .vimrc

One line in my .vimrc I find very useful is
map <leader>mh :! markdown '%:p' > '%:p:r'.html<CR>
which makes a .html-file out of the markdown-file that I currently editing. There are probably better ways to accomplish this but it works fine for me.

If you haven't: Use Vim as your text editor for a couple of weeks but with caution, you might fall in love 😜

...and by yhe way, I took a long walk in the nature this morning...


it is okay to not grok vim