Ideas about music and composition
I studied music composition in school and continue to write choral music. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about music, especially about the relationship between composer, performer, and listener, and how composers should be educated.
- Extensive vs. intensive expression — building music out vs. building it in
- Building the toolbox — thoughts on composer education
- Caustic is my favorite music software
Subseries: relational aspects of music
- Feel free to change my music
- A model of musical dialogue — innovation and decadence
- Is the composer a listener or a performer?
- Is art about self-expression?
Subseries: my creative process
I love singing, especially in groups. I think more people should sing more often!
My relationships with various albums
I wanted to post something like music reviews, but I’m not interested in critique. I decided to write posts about albums I love, focusing on what they mean to me.
- My relationship with Illinois by Sufjan Stevens
- My relationship with Pink Moon by Nick Drake
- My relationship with 무너지기 (Crumbling) by 공중도둑 (Mid-Air Thief)
- My relationship with Colour Green by Sibylle Baier
- My relationship with It’s a Good Life Honey If You Don’t Grow Weary by Alexa Woodward
- My relationship with Fantasma by Cornelius
- My relationship with Songs From Philadelphia by The John Conahan Group
- My relationship with Hours Were the Birds by Adrianne Lenker
- My relationship with Nurture by Porter Robinson
Other posts about music listening
In addition to the above categories, I have a number of other posts about music I listen to, or about music listening in general.
- A year of Snail’s House
- Listening to more and more music
- What do I think about lyrics?
- A few of my favorite choral pieces
- Journaling by listening — about the band Lamp
- dark matter — music I like that I don’t track on
- Building my music collection
- Stan Rogers is a true folk musician
- I’m looking for the Hats of 2008
In some of these posts, I write about my feelings; in others, I write about my ideas about feelings, like nostalgia. Some of them are more general journal-like writing that I felt belonged here more than any other category.
- Dreaming all the time — spatio-affective waking dreams
- I want to see inside other people’s homes
- Pleasant little habits
- COVID reset my personality
- Nostalgia for the present — a way of living the moment
- I can be better
- Maybe sometimes you shouldn’t think
- Giving myself permission to be confidently incorrect
- Basic health stack
- I love being slow
- Infinite undo — planning vs. action
Subseries: setting goals
- My goals for the year in 2023
- The follow-up eight months later
- About not setting resolutions for 2025
I wrote the bulk of my posts on here during the 100-post writing challenge I did. The challenge went over the winter of 2022–2023. For better or worse, the winter is one of the things that most defines my home region. I ended up having a lot to say about it. (Some of it was even positive!)
- I identify with my home region in how well I know snow
- Cold-induced irritability
- My cold walk — strolling around at 8°F (–13°C)
- A little sick of being on the computer
- Long winter effect — I was really getting sick of it at this point
- The spring melt
Different ideas I’ve had about “blooming where you’re planted”. I know snow is an honorable mention, but it belongs in the winter category.
- I want to be a budding naturalist — getting to know your place
- Thoughts on ghost kitchens — brands are like software
- Things people have always done
Subseries: building local culture
- Where does your culture come from? — blooming where you’re planted
- Articulating a vision for your locale
Subseries: agriculture
I’m using the term a bit vaguely here, but I have enough posts that somehow fit the theme of communication. All the posts in the “communication advice” subseries are kind of different angles on the same thing.
Subseries: communication advice
* I don’t have an icon for this one yet, will add it eventually
In my head, I just kind of class all various narrative forms as “stories”, regardless of medium. So most of my thinking on stories applies across that whole category, including movies, TV shows, games, and traditional literature.
- The Donkey Cabbages — awesome weird fairy tale
- I’ll always go for a time loop
- I had fun tracing influences on Hollow Knight in Angel’s Egg
- I want to watch Andrei Tarkovsky’s films
- Stories being what they are — understanding stories without metaphor
- Lotso’s heavy burden — pity for the villain of Toy Story 3
Computer stuff
You might be able to guess from my hand-made website and my presence on Ctrl-C, but I am something of a computer nerd. I like messing around with programming and other software tools. I don’t often accomplish much with it, but it’s just a hobby, mainly.
- I figured out a way to post any emoji on Status Cafe
- The design of gomepage
- An unfinished part of gomepage — previously the Bookmarks section, now the Library
- How I update my site — I edit everything manually & push with git
- I really think more people should build their own website
- You don’t need GitHub — other ways to host git
- I’m putting on a Jam — and here’s a link to the Webpage Jam
- I love my new keyboard
I like to play video games. When I was a kid, I found them very captivating, and would get kind of obsessed with them. I play them less now, but I still think they’re a super interesting art form that is still in its early days.
- I wanted to play Wii Party
- I played Patrick’s Parabox
- Tessellating building units in Minecraft
- How I like to play — on exploration games like Hollow Knight & Breath of the Wild
- I love isometric graphics
- Sweeper-type games — Dragonsweeper and Mamono Sweeper
I sometimes like to try new things when I cook. If I come up with something good, I like to share it!
- Ramen — my first post
- Tater tot breakfast skillet
- I tried to make custard — but it didn’t really work out
- Udon sauce
- I only discuss bachelor slop here, but eventually I’ll add a recipe too
Just intonation
Just intonation is where you use whole ratios to tune music. I think it’s really cool, but I have a hard time explaining it. It’s all really well organized in my head, but when I talk about it it’s a big spaghetti mess.
I tried to write a series to organize my thoughts about it and maybe evangelize it to some others, but this series is mostly me just bouncing around the spaghetti mess. I do think I eventually present some useful definitions and background information, but I don’t know if I’ve really gotten to the core of things like I want to yet.
I like to start projects, but I’m evidently not so interested in finishing them. For now, this section is basically a specific series of posts wherein I reflect on this fact & explore some abandoned projects. But in the future I might add some other thoughts about my projects in general.
- Abysmal project completion rate
- My game graveyard, part one
- My game graveyard, part two
- Game graveyard averted — when I called something “finished” for once
- Why don’t I review my notes?
- Working on something — namely a game for the Ctrl-C server
When I was in my late high school, early college years, I was really into linguistics. I read everything I could about it on Wikipedia. I still have a lot of fun learning etymologies, phonologies, and genealogies of various languages.
I occasionally write about my own writing here. It’s an easy topic, especially when I’m in a pinch.
Things I’ve done or might do
An intentionally vague category about various activities I’m interested in, but have only written about once.
Things I’ve done
- A gome’s garden — plus, gardening as a broader concept
- I was a theater kid back in high school
- Memorize a poem
- I love sailing!
- Basics of thrombus — 3-player foursquare
- Trying new candy
- Back from the camping trip
- Hobby spin-up period — it takes time to learn new things
- I build upon the spin-up idea with Regularly doing something you’re bad at — sometimes you don’t have to try to get better
Subseries: things I did in 2024
I didn’t post so much in 2024, so this is a subseries recapping what I got up to that year.
Things I might do
- Wardrobe updates — trying to figure out my style
- I’d like to travel more
- What’s up with dowsing?
- Why learn etiquette?
- Have you heard of paramotors?
All the articles I really couldn’t find a category for.
- Astronomy is super cool
- Quest for the worst shape — mathematical hellscape
- Fireplace jokes — vagaries of interior design
- My relationship with sleep
- They got me with this postcard — how’d they know I’d like this?
- My favorite nonsense word is bingle