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24572171 sadikkuzu 7429547 delphseiji 7077045 treflip 4370640 8lurry 4128885 nodisc 4007701 loriinae 2736937 michaelgraaf 2461482 tk1 2433156 gauntlet 1746582 protodrew 1540448 pgadey 1370757 ajhalili2006 1139351 lettuce 929764 greymtr 835048 gome 719441 Edith 707594 lars_the_bear 682837 timemachine 632695 Triz3n 545199 chimay
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1746 sadikkuzu 1428 gauntlet 195 gome 147 lettuce 140 protodrew 113 nodisc 96 delphseiji 89 Triz3n 64 de_alchmst 63 greymtr 54 timemachine 53 pgadey 52 sturgman 52 philips 50 lars_the_bear 47 megymagy 39 Rocket 37 mrfry 37 helenah 33 ajhalili2006