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a bit of vim

Inspired after my recent comment on pgadey's really good posting 'it is okay to not grok vim' I started to think about a couple of (non vimtutor) vim commands I use. I apologize in advance if the commands I write about here is all to common for you.

In normal mode:

H, M, L
Move the cursor to the top of the screen (H), middle of the screen (M) or bottom of the screen (L). I mostly use the M command to get to the middle of the screen.

Indent/shift current line and the following n-1 lines to the right. n is the number of lines you whish to indent.
I prefer the >> command instead of doing indentation in visual mode.
The size of an indent is measured in columns (characters) and is set with
:set shiftwidth=n
where n is the number of columns or
set shiftwidth=n in your .vimrc.
To unindent (is that a real word?) one shiftwidth for n number of lines use the

The built-in help is your friend

:h topic or :help topic


pgadey's original posting, it is okay to not grok vi
my response, re: it is okay to not grok vim