Small things without a better home
Having fun without clear goals? What a concept.
Text-based stuff
- JourNote
- proof of concept journal app with a text user interface
- written in Python for the command line
- reasonably friendly; works with plain text files
- GemView
- a simple viewer for local GemText files
- written in Python for the command line; see built-in help
- works on low-res screens
- Keep an EyeOut
- a tool to eye the outline of various documents (and convert them)
- written in Python for the command line; see built-in help
- Snaked line editor
- line editor written in and for Python, with some less usual features
- modern, friendly, self-documented, easy to modify
- DukTerm
- a binding of the curses API to the Duktape Javascript interpreter
- comes with a port of the Dungeon Romp roguelike demo
The "plain text office" series
- Cozy Catalog
- A little personal database for media libraries and similar.
- ToyEd
- A toy text editor in Tcl/Tk for educational purposes
- 700 lines of crystal-clear code; works on low-res screens
- Scrunch Edit
- A two-pane outliner for Org Mode and Markdown files
- written in
Python and Tkinter Tcl/Tk; works on low-res screens
- OutNoted
- an outline note-taking editor
- written in Python and Tkinter
- works on low-res screens
More small things
- BrutalWiki
- wiki engine based in Brutalist (web) design principles
- written in PHP; decent security, minimal requirements
- Tipsy Turtle
- turtle graphics program for making banners and logos
- open source and portable; Linux builds available
- WireView 3D
- simple previewer for 3D models in STL or OBJ format
- open source and portable; Linux builds available
See also
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