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September 2022

Ramen recipe

This is how I like to make ramen.

December 2022

I want to be a budding naturalist

Trying to learn the names of local plants, animals, fungi, and rocks

Dreaming all the time

It’s like dreams are the stars, and conscious thought is the sun.

Extensive vs. intensive expression

What you can choose vs. what the music wants

My relationship with Illinois

The album provides emotional continuity across the nearly 15 years it’s been in my life.

Feel free to change my music

I don’t see why anyone’s composition should be above question if it leads to more authentic music-making.

A model of musical dialogue

The progression of innovation & refinement to decadence


Elizabeth Fraser is my favorite singer

She’s what pushes Cocteau Twins’ sound above and beyond.

I wanted to play Wii Party

The announcer’s voice is hilarious

I know snow

I love looking out the window at night this time of year, gathering a sense of the day’s conditions by way of the snow.

My experience with acappella

People singing songs they like with just their voices

Tater tot breakfast skillet recipe

A tasty & hearty breakfast I’ve been making for myself

The Donkey Cabbages

A perfect fairy tale mix of weird & fun that’s well-suited to adaptation.

A year of Snail’s House

I explored a way of enjoying music that had been underdeveloped up to this point.


Cold-induced irritability

On the psychological effects of living in –20°F (–29°C) weather

International Phonetic Alphabet

A fun way to get a better idea of what languages sound like

Status Cafe Emoji Hack

How to get almost any emoji on Status Cafe

I’ll always go for a time loop

Time loops are one of my favorite fictional devices.

I played Patrick’s Parabox

The best puzzle game I’ve played in a long time

Astronomy is super cool

There are crazy things going on out there

Start with examples

The right example will have serious payoff in ease of comprehension.


Building the toolbox

Students of composition need a toolbox of useful patterns and habits

My relationship with Pink Moon

A channel of continuity in my soul


January 2023

The design of gomepage

It’s like a digital garden where great things grow gradually over time.

Where does your culture come from?

Some thoughts on local cultures

My cold walk

I love going on walks even in bad conditions

Five of my favorite singers

What makes a singer a great singer?

Share your notes

Sharing notes plants knowledge in other minds, where it can flourish into a million more ideas.


A gome’s garden

In gardening, you make yourself one part of a larger natural system that supports the flourishing of your plants.

Hollow Knight and Angel’s Egg

Rather than fussing over a dichotomy of style vs. substance, both works propose that substance can in fact be achieved through style.

I want to see inside other people’s homes

I want to see the mundane details of other people’s daily lives

I was a theater kid

I’d love to return to the stage and explore what kind of acting I could do as the person I currently am.

My relationship with 무너지기

The exploration of a lonely but vibrant inner landscape

Memorize a poem

Enjoyment of a poem is incomplete without memorization

My goals for the year

I consider each of these goals to be a gift to myself.


I’m more funny in person

I’d like to learn how to express more of my personality when writing

Stream of consciousness cram

I’m pressed for time today so I’m just going to free write

Pleasant little habits

I’m pondering adding more to my life

Abysmal project completion rate

What even is the purpose of side projects?

My game graveyard, part one

This might become a series, we’ll see

Listening to more and more music

When I was in high school, I was always impressed by people who knew a lot of music, and I wanted to be like that.

My relationship with Colour Green

A pervasive lightness that’s deceptively rich and deep


A little sick of being on the computer

It’s easy to do too much screen time in the winter

My game graveyard, part two

More game ideas I left to die (with one exception!)

Wardrobe updates

I have no idea what I’m talking about when it comes to fashion

February 2023

Tesselating building units in Minecraft

A signature of my building style

Disagreeing with friends

It’s precisely those sites of disagreement where we build trust that our friendship can transcend our differences.

Quest for the worst shape

Why are we paying mathematicians to come up with these atrocities?

I want to watch Andrei Tarkovsky’s films

It’s taking me a while because I don’t watch many movies


An unfinished part of gomepage

Just a stub for now.

I have had singing

Let the average quality of singing go down and the total amount of singing done go up

Fireplace jokes

The irony of form without function

Hivemind-facilitating software

Many softwares bill themselves as “tools for thought”, but how about tools for shared thought?

My relationship with It’s a Good Life Honey If You Don’t Grow Weary

Led by the gentle, confident warmth of Alexa Woodward’s voice

What do I think about lyrics?

Well I’m glad you asked!

Musical dry spell

When your primary creative output dries up


Chess etymology adventure

Big fun fact dump incoming

Articulating a vision for your locale

Learning how to share the genius loci

Just intonation introduction

In which I must explain equal temperament first

Long winter effect

Trying to make it to spring

Game graveyard averted

I avoided scope creep & made something I’m happy with

How I update my site

As of now, it’s all manual

My relationship with Fantasma

The sound of summer


COVID reset my personality

If the mind is a garden, COVID tilled up the soil

Just intonation: the harmonic series

The underlying structure of pitches

March 2023

Nostalgia for the present

Nostalgia is part of building a narrative you can process about what’s happened in your life

Let’s talk choral music

It’s still my favorite kind of music

Stories being what they are

Stories don’t have to be symbols of something else to be meaningful

A few of my favorite choral pieces

These are some great ones to check out

Regenerative agriculture sounds cool

Restoring & supporting the ecosystem around you


Just intonation: building intervals

A key insight for navigating just intonation

When it rains, it pours: dry spell revisited

I’m excited to write music again

Rebuilding your food chain

I’ve been thinking more about growing food

Thoughts on ghost kitchens

Brands are like software and it makes me sad

Attempts to make custard

Trying to learn how to get exactly the custard I want

My relationship with Songs From Philadelphia

It has a good angst to it

I love sailing!

Every year I look forward to getting out on the water again


Basics of thrombus

Not the medical term, it’s an awesome four square variant

Show us the garden, not the gate

People might not understand your perspective, but if it’s valuable, the results will speak for themselves

Is the composer a listener or a performer?

Breaking out of “sticking to what you know”

Drinking in the presence of others

Don’t gag!

100-day challenge check-in

It feels great to look back through what I’ve written, knowing it’s the fruit of my persistence.

I can be better

I want to mourn the consequences of my actions when I do wrong, without being afraid to live authentically.

Things people have always done

Connected to the past by human nature


Just intonation redux

Going to try another approach

My relationship with sleep

I’m pretty sensititve to not getting enough

They got me with this postcard

Mail marketing still has potential

11th-hour speedpost!

I’m starting this one at 11:50

April 2023

Is art about self-expression?

I’m not sure that’s the best word for it

Journaling by listening

Music for storing feelings in dark matter

Music you wouldn’t know I listen to


How I like to play

I love exploration

I’d like to travel more

There’s lots to see out there

Maybe sometimes you shouldn’t think

Things are just incomprehensible sometimes

Preparing to write a new piece

I need to get my head right first

Trying new candy

I only ever buy international candy

Just intonation: 5-limit tuning

How do you build intervals out of primes?

My relationship with Hours Were the Birds

The introspective aspect of exploration


Build your own website

Creative freedom, fun learning, and online community

The spring melt

I can’t imagine living somewhere where the seasons don’t really have distinct shapes, as pleasant as that might be.

Giving myself permission to be confidently incorrect

Not everything needs to be defended with the maximum level of nuance

You don’t need GitHub

A nice trick I use to deploy my site

I miss writing every day

It’s only been a week since I finished the challenge

May 2023

What’s up with dowsing?

A mysterious way to find water

Why learn etiquette?

Hopefully, it’s a form of guidance in being considerate


Basic health stack

The things that keep a virtuous cycle going

I just learned about Ratioscore

I’ve wanted a tool like this for a while now

I love isometric graphics

Especially Roller Coaster Tycoon

Building my music collection

I want to own more of the music I love

Hobby spin-up period

Are you so interested in mastery you lose interest in learning?

Udon sauce recipe

Pretty simple but it’s tasty

Note: going camping

June 2023

Back from the camping trip

How did it go?


Have you heard of paramotors?

Seems like more fun than a jetpack

July 2023

I’m putting on a Jam

To encourage the web I want to see

Stan Rogers is a true folk musician

What does folk music mean today?

I love my new keyboard

My first mechanical one

August 2023

New-year goals postmortem

How did that go?

November 2023

My relationship with Nurture

I didn’t realize I liked this one as much as I apparently do


February 2024

Lotso’s heavy burden

This stuffed bear could use some therapy


March 2024

I’m looking for the Hats of 2008

Please send me leads!

September 2024

I want to start blogging again

Unfocused check-in post

December 2024

Why don’t I review my notes?

What am I even taking them for

No new year’s resolutions this year

I’m thinking differently about goal-setting

Songwriting journey

It’s hard to know how to begin with new skills


January 2025


My go-to nonsense word

I learned American Mahjong

It’s not like the Windows game


I love being slow

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

Infinite undo

A certain artistic preoccupation

Knowing your sources

Content vs. context

Losing steam

I am simply too tired to write.

I joined Toastmasters

“Hello, so, um —” *BZZZZT*

Bachelor slop

I recommend crushed tomatoes

I’m a piano teacher now

I love seeing my students’ progress

Note: got sick


February 2025

Sweeper-type games

Smart twists on a simple game

Regularly doing something you’re bad at

Without hope of getting better

I joined a band

I missed collaborative music-making

Busy week for me

Reflecting on keeping up the writing habit

Working on something

Vague details on a project for Ctrl-C

My favorite music software

A toy DAW that has been surprisingly useful for me